Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Denise's Christmas Letter

Always the good and the bad, or worrisome! (Hopefully. It could be all bad.) 2014 was that sort of year.

But today was one of those days when all is excused: our son Doug phoned to say that after five worrisome months, he has finally been diagnosed as cancer-free. Yeay!!! What a great Christmas present to all of us.

Our winter had been fairly uneventful. I would say that on my part the biggest and most uncomfortable part was the reluctant realization that old age is no longer creeping up; it’s overtaking us at a gallop! We spend great swaths of time just resting up from any and all endeavours.  Discussing exhaustion has become a common pastime. Plus discussing what seems to be our increasing forgetfulness…

May brought the abrupt passing away of Denise’s father at the ripe old age of 102, and June brought the news of the passing  away of our dear sister-in-law Irene, Dave’s wife.

But aren't we all used to life’s cycles being all over the map? In August we celebrated granddaughter Emilie’s wedding in Ottawa. Doug and Anne treated us all to an elegant affair, indeed!  Emilie was radiant. And husband Graham is a delight. Except for Jock, who can no longer travel, (and Denise’s dear sisters Pat and Leila) all the McKay family were there, even Great-Uncle Dave came from Vancouver Island.

Doug and Anne’s daughter Stephanie has had an amazing year; she’s had a breakthrough as a fashion illustrator: she’s become ”discovered”: chosen to be an  illustrator  at the Toronto Spring and Fall fashion weeks, followed by similar work for Holt Renfrew, Target and a contract with a NY fashion house. And their son Kevin continues working at Ontario Power Generation in the nuclear field.

Our daughter Pat and her husband Ernie are both looking at retirement: Ernie probably this winter, Pat maybe in 2 years.  Their son Greg is still composing music and performing on stage and in videos, and Amanda is back at school, aiming to become an accountant, plus she is engaged to be married next summer to Chris, a very likable fellow.

Daughter Judy and Rob’s lives were hectic most of the year: their move from Iowa to a home in Port Credit ( Mississauga) took huge amounts of their time, but now they are finally settled in. With their 3 dogs. And a cat. Both Mike and Shannon go to Iowa U so not much time seeing them! Judy has completed, now, a year at her job at McCarthey Tetrault, and Rob manages the house and finances and is taking courses in international economics starting in January.

Son Dave’s alter ego, Sketchy the Clown, ran for mayor of Toronto this past year. Strangely enough, he didn't get elected but Sketchy got heaps of publicity… leading for more calls for performing. And a happy Dave! He’s also doing new IT work -- more about that next year!

 Denise continues on with jewellery-making classes a couple of times a week. The PMR (polymyalgia rheumatica) and its resulting tiredness magically disappear when she’s chatting, beading, soldering and hammering. It’s a modern day version of a quilting bee.

Jock despite back problems and periods of atrial fibrillation, is still in love with the computer world. Blogs and videos and databases. For Christmas, he’s asked for Rosetta Stone. He would like to resume studying French.  He says: pour quoi-pas? Yes, why not?

 Merry Christmas and all the best for 2015 from the Burlington McKays.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Gebbz Steelo - Motëm


Monday, December 15, 2014

Good News!

Doug's operation was successful. No sign of malignant cells...

Denise wrote in her Xmas letter:
"Always the good and the bad, or worrisome! (Hopefully. It could be all bad.) 2014 was that sort of year.
But today was one of those days when all is excused: our son Doug phoned to say that after five worrisome months, he has finally been diagnosed as cancer-free. Yeay!!! What a great Christmas present to all of us."

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Good bye consulting!

Bill retired on Friday December 12th from his 5.5-year stint at DND. He advised and guided the team responsible for the design and purchase of a high-tech reconnaissance vehicle.

Monday, December 8, 2014

His views apply to whites as well.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Artscape Board Member

From left: Judith McKay of McCarthy Tétrault, Artscape board member, Judy Matthews, Artscape board member, Avon MacFarlane of The Offord Group and Maureen Loweth, Artscape board member and Dean of the Centre for Business at George Brown College.
"Artscape is a not-for-profit urban development organization that makes space for creativity and transforms communities.
Our work involves clustering creative people together in real estate projects that serve the needs of the arts and cultural community and advance multiple public policy objectives, private development interests, community and neighbourhood aspirations and philanthropic missions."

Friday, December 5, 2014

Nous vous souhaitons un agréable séjour à Montpellier

Dear Brothers
The letter shown below gives the name of the family (Miquel) as well as phone and e-mails addresses just in case you need to reach me.
 I’m getting real exited about this a child at Christmas.
I’m sure you both can read the French, if not take to someone who can.

03 December 2014
Cher David Mckay
Nous avons réservé l'hébergement suivant pour vous :
Hébergement : Famille d'accueil, chambre simple, demi-pension
Date d'arrivée : 04 Janvier 2015
Date de départ : 28 Février 2015
Détails de la famille : Famille MIQUEL
88 rue André Malraux
Rés. La Pompignane, bât 2
34000 Montpellier
Tel. : hors France : + 33 4 67 72 93 92 (en France : 04 67 72 93 92)
Mobile : hors France : + 33 6 13 97 60 57 (en France : 06 13 97 60 57)
Présentation de la famille :
Bonjour David
Nous, la famille Miquel, avons le plaisir de vous accueillir chez nous. Nous sommes :
Raymonde (né en 1952), travaille à mi-temps avec des personnes agées, mes passe-temps sont: cinema, lecture, marche,
Nous avons également d'autres enfants qui ne vivent plus sous notre toit:
Maryam (née en 1981) est monitrice auto-école.
Nadia (née en 1982) travaille dans une crèche.
Mehdi (né en 1986) travaille à la Sécurité Sociale.
Je vis dans un appartement très agréable à quelques minutes en bus du centre ville et j'adore recevoir des étudiants de toutes
les nationalités.
Voici le trajet à suivre pour vous rendre de notre domicile à l'Institut Linguistique Adenet:
Prendre le bus n°9 à l'arrêt André Malraux jusqu'à la place de l'Europe.
Puis prendre le tram 1 (bleu) à l'arrêt Place de l'Europe jusqu'à la Place de la Comédie.
Merci d'informer ILA ou notre famille directement au moins une semaine avant votre séjour pour les détails de votre arrivée,
pour que nous puissions faire connaissance et vous accompagner jusqu'à votre hébergement.
Nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir prochainement à Montpellier.
Famille Miquel
Nous, l'Institut Linguistique Adenet, sommes ravis de vous accueillir prochainement à Montpellier. Merci de retenir de venir à
8h00 au plus tard le premier jour de cours pour participer à la présentation de l'école.
Nous vous souhaitons un agréable séjour à Montpellier

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Chief Client Officer

The in-house whisperer 
Monday, 01 December 2014 

Judith McKay may have started a trend a year ago when she left DuPont as general counsel to return to a Bay Street law firm. Since then a number of in-house lawyers have returned to private practice in a variety of client development roles, but in McKay’s case she is McCarthy Tétrault LLP’s point person in what has become a battle ground for business.
Click: Newspaper Source

Care for a venison roast?

Ernie bags one!
Franklin, Pennsylvania