Wednesday, June 28, 2017

James Albert McKay

Jim passed away on June 19th.

Dave attended the funeral service and wrote:
Receiving word of Jim McKay's passing from his sister Yvonne, I immediately made arrangements to attend Jim's funeral in Invermere BC. 
My travel agent rather fouled up my travel plans, as I was directed on from Victoria to Calgary and then was doubled back to Cranbrook. Yvonne and her husband Keith Donne met me with a rental car (they had a direct flight and arrived in Cranbrook ahead of me) where we then drove the remaining distance to Invermere. On arrival in Invermere we registered into the Best Western Invermere Inn. (This hotel is in the same location as the old Invermere Hotel where my mother worked as a girl. The old hotel where I had stayed many times in the past, was destroyed by fire.) 
The funeral or celebration of life was held on Friday, June 16th at the Royal Canadian Legion hall. I was surprised at the turnout as there must have been well over a hundred people as the hall was full. The service was conducted by Pastor Wayne  Frater, a cousin of Jim's. The good pastor kept the service light by only saying a short prayer and reciting Psalm 23, although he did do a bit of preaching when delivering the Eulogy. Jim McKay was maybe the last of the real true cowboys as he was around horses and cows all this life as said by the pastor.
A number of us, including myself, got up to recite a few recollections of Jim. I, more or less, had to get up because Cousin Yvonne kept poking in the back, "Saying get up there".  It should be noted that Yvonne didn't get up and say anything. (She was chicken.) Also, what I found curious was; myself and the good pastor were the only ones wearing a tie. All the other folks, that is the men, were in cowboy boots and jean trousers with big belt buckles to hold them up. The women were not much better dressed either. Such, as it is, in Invermere.
I must say the sandwiches and desserts at the reception were first-class and plenty. The slide presentation was well put together with music that was very appropriate (Western) for the occasion by Wyatt McKay, Shane's son. Afterward, pictures were taken of the McKays that were there. I was the oldest and perhaps the patriarch of this clan.
Afterwards Keith, Yvonne and I, traveled around Saturday and Sunday visiting various relatives and checking out the new developments in the valley. Yvonne and I even visited the museum there where we looked over the display and files of the McKays.
Regarding the new developments, I must say that there has been plenty of concrete poured in the town of Invermere. The Main Street is a little gem as are the other streets where they all have a paved roadway, sidewalks and curbs. The new development on the benches above the town has all services underground. The beach at Tayton's Bay has been recently developed as is a credit to the town.  The west end of Athalmer is now crowded with Condominiums.  There is a very large housing development north of Radium Junction where again, much concrete has been poured and again the services are underground.
Where does all this money for development come from?  Well the answer is Alberta, although it is slowing down since oil prices have taken a hit.
It was a fast trip as we got home to Victoria early Monday afternoon.

Monday, June 26, 2017

First Job

Michael Sylvester
Account Coordinator
Mike Sylvester specializes in coalition building.

Prior to joining LS2group, Mike interned at public and private sector companies across North America. In 2016, he served as a research intern at Navigator Ltd, a public relations firm in Toronto. He also spent time researching counterterrorism measures at the National Defense University in Washington D.C., along with global energy practices with the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources in Québec. Mike frequently travels across the Canada-U.S. border and is fluent in both English and French.

Mike gained valuable communications and public policy experience while participating extracurricular activities at the University of Iowa. He competed for the mock trial team and later served as chief of staff for the student government. He also volunteered with grassroots organizations such as Americans for Prosperity and actively participated in the University of Iowa College Republicans.

Mike recently graduated from the University of Iowa. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in political science and international relations and a minor in French.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Stephanie Featured in NICHE

The Summer of '17 issue of NICHE magazine is out and features our spectacular cover (and feature) by fashion illustrator Stephanie Anne McKay.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Red Maple Moon 24 x 36 Acrylic on Canvas

Judy's latest work

Glen passed away after a three battle with cancer.

Olga and Jock
at Visitation

Glen Delvecchio
1950 - 2017
Glen pursued a degree in Engineering Materials at the University of Windsor and graduated with a gold medal in 1972. It was there that he met his match, Olga (Turchyn), who was also in the same program. They married in 1971 and Glen stayed behind in Windsor for another year to finish his degree while Olga started her career with Stelco R&D in Burlington.