Saturday, May 24, 2014

88th Anniversary

Dear Loving Brothers,

A Little Family History

 Today, May 24th is the 88th Anniversary of our parents’ Wedding.

Mom and Dad were married on the Larson Farm situated a mile north of Golden BC by a United Church minister. The reason that the ceremony took place on the farm and not in the church was that Dad (though not a church-goer at the time) would not consent to a ceremony in a protestant church.  As for the ceremony, Uncle Paul acted as best man and Aunt Ella acted as maid of honour. Anyhow everything went smoothly until the wedding banquet when the minister’s wife sat down in Granma Larson’s place at the banquet table. As a consequence, Mother was troubled that she did not have her Mother with her at the head table.

For the honeymoon, Dad had bought a new car for the wedding trip to Cranbrook, their first stop. As there was a Victoria Day celebration in Cranbrook that day, all the hotels were booked solid.  However; luck was with them, as Dad met a couple of guys who sympathized with our parent’s situation and let them have their room. Mother told me that these two fellows came into the room early evening, changed their clothes and then went off to the dance. Where they spent the night, we’ll leave that to your imagination?

I know they did drive to Spokane the next day and visited Mom’s relatives there. I don’t know if they drove any farther. Maybe they did drive on to Vancouver, it’s anyone’s guess. Perhaps, one of you guys can add to that.

That’s all I know of this auspicious occasion.

Brother Dave

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