Monday, February 29, 2016

Pat Promoted

It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Pat McKay as Vice President and Chief Financial Officer L-3 WESCAM and L-3 Canada reporting directly to the President, effective immediately.

The Vice President and Chief Financial Officer is responsible to plan , direct and control the organization 's overall financial plans and policies along with its accounting practices and the conduct of its relationship with financial institutions; to provide overall direction for the accounting, tax, insurance, budget, cred it and treasury functions. The following L-3 WESCAM employees will report directly to Pat:
Director, Finance, Wescam Burlington, Brian Whelan Director, Contracts Administration , Brian Dyck Director, Information Technology, Daniel Smith Director, Finance, ISS, Sonja Harrison

Pat joined WESCAM in 2004. With over  38 years  of experience,  Pat  has  held  a  number  of  senior level positions in her career leading finance and administration functions in various companies such as Copperweld Canada  Inc,  BTR  Sealing  Systems,  Zenon  Environmental Systems Inc., Tridon  Limited, and Price Waterhouse.

Pat has a Honours of Business Administration, from University of Western  Ontario  and  Chartered  Accounts  Designation .

Please join me in congratulating Pat on her new role with L-3 WESCAM and L-3 Canada and offering your support as she transitions into her new role. We wish  her  much  success in  leading the L-3  WESCAM  Finance, Contracts  & Information  Technology teams.

Jeff Miller
President  (Acting),  L-3 WESCAM

Friday, February 26, 2016

From the West

Dave emailed:
Dear Brother Jock

I wish you well on your 85th Birthday tomorrow.  Did you ever think that you would be so neither? Anyway 85 is just a number.

You folks have been having an up and down Winter out East. For us, it has been again a very mild snow where I live, but; Richard who lives higher up at Shawnigan  Lake had snow but very little. The Japanese cherry trees are now in bloom but the daffodils are mostly gone now. The early Rhododendrons in Beacon Hill Park are now in bloom.

I’m telling you all this just to keep informed. I love Spring but when I leave on March 18th for Australia, I’ll land there for their Autumn. Anyway the trip back by cruise ship to Victoria, I’ll experience Autumn on leaving Sydney, Summer in Hawaii and Spring in Victoria.

There is  a crew of four workmen here at my house to day installing a heat pump. I wanted to install one a few years back but the neighbour next door was against it. You see, I live in a gated community and we have rules that our neighbours must agree if we change anything on our lot. Anyway, I now have new neighbours who are all for me installing a low voltage starting heat pump which has a sound of 54 decibels. Good neighbours!

Again, Happy Birthday,

Love, Dave

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Judith and August Larson

Judith Elizabeth Larson (1902 - 1978)
Carl August Larson (1975 - 1933)



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